Good luck, captain. Your actions will decide which. offering great wealth or a quick death. The rest of the galaxy awaits you, world of islands and ocean. neutral port of Levo, a backwater You begin your journey orbiting the shuttle. your own ship, a small but sturdy cargo scraped together enough credits to buy of an ore freighter, you have finally After years of serving as the first mate ...and unknown threats. opportunities... pilot, the stars are filled with untold For a brave and resourceful starship and no end is in sight. The galactic civil war still rages on, into a formidable navy. the help of sympathetic corporations, In time, their pitiful forces grew, with their oppressors. organized rebellion aimed at destroying representation in the Senate, formed an their land and denying them any Confederation’s practices of exploiting The outer colonies, weary of the years; then the insurrection began. This reign of terror lasted for fifteen into forced labor. resources and coercing the colonists Worlds, stripping them of their for the benefit of the wealthy Core They exploited the outer colony planets Confederation Navy. tyranny, aided by the powerful and began a rule of oppression and up their power after the end of the War, the Confederation were reluctant to give But the elite and powerful members of marauders were extinct. Within eight years, the enigmatic alien to turn the tide of the War. combined military strength was enough confederation of worlds, whose banded together into a powerful But we beat them. The human race The Great War was upon us. alien menace. was no stopping the mysterious outer colony worlds within hours. There warning and decimated most of the The alien warships appeared without ...and unknown dangers. riches... light travel possible brought us untold The discoveries that made faster-than- prosperity was a failure. The new age of peace and schedueled program:] [And now back to your regularly Pretty damn sure, in fact. gonna get there eventually. litte SOB, so I'm sure you're Still, you are quite a clever your plant can afford. more than you, your momma or time, because these things costs real hard for some *loooong* gonna have to work and sweat Well, guess what? You're just I bet you want one for yourself. SpaceSushi(TM) in the process. along, turning planets to shiny big DeathStar cruise Confs. I bet you've seen that Rebels and bad news for the for you, bad news for the kicking. This is bad news Yonders is back, alive and News are that the Empire Of a time. exemple. This is not such listen to Death Metal for heads of: when Nirvana fans a shotgun gets used to blow There comes a time when [Commercial break:]